Saturday, April 9, 2016

Congressman blames son for spending $1,300 in campaign funds on Steam games


FEC questions California rep for unauthorized "personal expenses."

What would you do if you had access to millions of dollars in campaign funds? You'd probably blow some of it on video games, right? That's what records say happened with $1,302 of the money earmarked for the campaign of Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), drawing the attention of the Federal Election Commission.
As The San Diego Tribune reports, a Hunter spokesman says the charges originally stemmed from Hunter's teenage son, who "used his father’s credit card for one game," after which "several unauthorized charges resulted after the father tried to close access to the website." That's a bit of a pat explanation considering that Steam Games were charged to Hunter's campaign account on 68 separate occasions between October 13 and December 16, with $96 spent in one instance. Managing your various payment methods on Steam can be a little difficult, but that's a long time for a parent to utterly fail at "closing access to the website."

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