Those of us who are not happy with Windows 8 were very glad to hear that Microsoft announced Windows 10 in a move that, I believe, was to distance itself as far as they could from Windows 8 by not creating a Windows 9 version of the operating system.
For the record, I use both Windows and Mac computers at home and my office. There are features about each operating system that I like. Some programs that I have used for a long time seem to work better on the Windows machines and others utilizing video and still photos are much better on the Apple.
Windows 10 is expected to arrive in the mid-2015.
According to the announcement from Microsoft, the user experience on Windows 10 will be more like classic Windows without the grid-style layout that Microsoft switched to when Windows 8 came out two years ago. The layout of Windows 8 confused the heck out of me and I immediately went online looking for some kind of software that would bring my Windows 7 back. It is also my understanding that very few business customers embraced Windows 8 for the same reason.
Windows 10 will feature multi-tasking features to improve productivity. Microsoft admitted that, “Windows 8 had too steep of a learning curve, but Windows 10 will have virtually none.”
We’ll all found out the middle of next year.
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