Friday, February 12, 2016

This Chart Shows Who Marries CEOs, Doctors, Chefs and Janitors (Interactive Graphic)

Who Marries whom
This Chart Shows Who Marries CEOs, Doctors, Chefs and Janitors
By Adam Pearce and Dorothy Gambrell
February 11, 2016
When it comes to falling in love, it’s not just fate that brings people together—sometimes it’s their jobs. We scanned data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey—which covers 3.5 million households—to find out how people are pairing up. Some of the matches seemed practical (the most common marriage is between grade-school teachers), and others had us questioning Cupid’s aim (why do female dancers have a thing for male welders?). High-earning women (doctors, lawyers) tend to pair up with their economic equals, while middle- and lower-tier women often marry up. In other words, female CEOs tend to marry other CEOs; male CEOs are OK marrying their secretaries

EXCLUSIVE: Hugh Hefner's son speaks out against Playboy's decisions to go non-nude and sell the Mansion
Feb. 9, 2016, 6:41
Hugh Hefner's 24-year-old son, Cooper, stopped by Business Insider for an exclusive interview during which he talked candidly about his displeasure with Playboy's leadership. He does not agree with the recent decision to eliminate pictures of fully nude women from the magazine, nor the decision to put the Playboy Mansion on the market for $200 million.

Spanish civil servant off work unnoticed for six years
12 February 2016
A Spanish civil servant who failed to turn up for work for "at least" six years has been caught after becoming eligible for a long service award.
Joaquin Garcia, 69, was fined €27,000 (£21,000; $30,000) after the award brought his long absence to light.
Spanish newspapers have dubbed him "el funcionario fantasma" - the phantom official.
The court heard that the boss of the water company had not seen Mr Garcia for years despite occupying an office opposite his.

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