Friday, February 19, 2016

TRUMP: 'Boycott all Apple products'

Pamela Engel  Feb 19, 2016  1PM
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump just called for a boycott of Apple in light of the company's reluctance to help authorities hack into the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters.
"Apple ought to give the security for that phone, OK?" Trump said at a rally in Pawley's Island, South Carolina, on Friday.
"What I think you ought to do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number. How do you like that? I just thought of it. Boycott Apple!"
Earlier in the day, the Justice Department filed a new motion saying Apple must comply with the government demands.

 Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump
I use both iPhone & Samsung. If Apple doesn't give info to authorities on the terrorists I'll only be using Samsung until they give info.

 Donald J. Trump ‎@realDonaldTrump
Boycott all Apple products until such time as Apple gives cellphone info to authorities regarding radical Islamic terrorist couple from Cal

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