Friday, February 19, 2016

Apple says government lost access to shooter's iPhone backup by changing passcode

Apple says government lost access to shooter's iPhone backup by changing passcode

Senior Apple executives have accused the San Bernardino shooting investigation of making a critical misstep during a conference call with reporters, multiple outlets are reporting. Apple and the government are battling over whether the company must help the FBI extract data from an encrypted iPhone.
 (Click link for the full article)

Showdown over iPhone reignites the debate around privacy
(Click link for the full article)

Apple plays digital privacy hardball with FBI, 'but not China'
Latest update : 2016-02-19
Apple was hailed as a champion of digital privacy this week after refusing to help the FBI hack into an iPhone belonging to a suspect in the San Bernardino shooting. But the firm hasn’t always been so scrupulous about user data, especially in China.


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